It’s not too uncommon to see your pupil, launching himself in the air for the first time, flying uncontrollably in random directions in a city such as Norandopolis. There’s worse than that. But the real question here is: will IT get worse?
This page was actually finished AND posted Wednesday, but I’ll be away then, since I’m attending the Montréal Comic-Con this weekend. So it’s been programmed to show up on Friday, for your convenience. Not that it makes a big difference from your point of view, anyway.
Well I guess SuperCrash is just full of Cape-abilities! XD
Oh all the bad puns I could make! Anyway, now I see why “women” are one of SuperPoufs “Weaknesses”, they seem like a great distraction for him… XD
Pepper spray? What? At least give him a warning first! o_0;;
I’m not used to that kind of rash decision of using a pepper spray! It’s actually illegal to even own one in Denmark!
And holy cow! Those backgrounds are amazing! It’s truly admirable to look at your city views and all the details you put in buildings, streets, control panels… well EVERYTHING! It definably leaves a breath-taking expression, and you just can’t stop looking at it in awe. I know I tend to say that a lot, but I really mean it!