In today’s program: Superpouf teachs Supercrash (at least) and fails (as ever). He will need to seek help some place else, this time!
In today’s program: Superpouf teachs Supercrash (at least) and fails (as ever). He will need to seek help some place else, this time!
XD Does he really have to say that whole line EVERY TIME he has to fire his lazer?
Love the reflections on the bug btw! Really cool details!
They might have bitten off more than they could chew this time. -Or atleast the bug got a piece of the action.
So. Many. Bad. Puns. I love it! X3
Yeah he does have to, unfortunately for him that means he has to remember them. =P And yeah, I love bad puns!
X3 I can picture how quickly these charms can become a hindering gimmic. (Hope I’m using the right words.)
Keep up the good work and bad puns! Please do! XD
Looking forward to the next page! ^^
That was just perfect! I couldn’t stop laughing, he’s going to need a lot of backup and a large firetruck to hose down his mentor once he’s saved. XD
Omigosh XD this is absolutely hilarious!!! Found it today and fell in love with it instantly! Haha WHENS THE NEXT PAGE?!?!?! You’re amazing with these comics of yours lol no joke. Keep up the good work! ;3 (ps seriously though whens the next page) o.o
if he continues to keep the pace it’ll be next friday, though don’t sweat it if he can’t keep it to the deadlines, it’s always worth the wait! ^^
Haha okee dokee thanks! ^-^ and yes….TOTALLY worth it!
I usually post new pages on Friday, usually in the afternoon but sometimes late at night. Thanks for reading! 🙂
Thanks so much! ^-^ u r my inspiration lol not kidding… ;D and I can’t wait to see what’s happening next! Haha <3 ALL ur art (I'm on DA that's how I found you)