Chapter 3 – Page 13

This week, the explanation for Hilary’s homicidal feelings towards superhumans (or superheroes, as the ignorant folks call them) as well as her new job! Oliver has all reasons to be afraid, now.
This week, the explanation for Hilary’s homicidal feelings towards superhumans (or superheroes, as the ignorant folks call them) as well as her new job! Oliver has all reasons to be afraid, now.
Oh… god, no…
What about the young kids playing super heros on the streets??? Oxydizes sister often play super hero!! D:
Thankfully this is a rather passing street, no kids will dare go play in the heavy traffic!
Okay, alright… But what about the sidewalk?
And what IS bloodpudding?
Uh oh.. Houston, we might have a problem.
And for blood pudding:
What does it taste like? Have you ever had it before? Is it good? o.o (sorry all the questions haha)
I’ve had a variant that’s more like a small, black sausage. Personally I liked it, but it’s not for everyone, since it’s made of blood, it has kind of an ironish taste some might find repulsive (if they’re not already grossed out by the fact it’s mostly made of… coagulated blood, lol).
Haha ok. Sounds to me like it should be called vampire sausage though… lol. Yes? No? Maybe? OI…tough crowd…xD
Blood pudding is actually blood sausage?? XD
I’ve never tasted it, but it is more or less common in denmark…
Yeah it’s a variant of it. 😛
Well, it’s the closes thing we got to blood pudding in denmark… Buuut, I’ll keep away from it. XD
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO IM NOT THE FIRST ONE TO COMMENT!!!!!! XD I’ve been checking all day for this page to come out… oi… CURSE YOU SUPEROXIDIIIIIIZE!!!!!!! .-.
Mmk well got that out of my system… :3 ANYWHO….
Oliver you seriously need to look out from this point on dude… or your mother bear will make you into blood pudding o.o
Haha, I didn’t know there was a first comment thing going on in here. Maybe next week, then. :XD:
If she makes him into a blood pudding, let’s just hope it’s not for eating. Ewww…
hahahahaha well…there is now! 😉 And lets keep in mind here…Hillary HAS eaten him several times so far already…XD
lol nor did i……probably because i just got this thing like idk 9 mins ago…..
._. Sorry…
x3 No worries haha! I’ll just have to beat you next time, eh? 😉
Challenge accepted! See ya next friday! >:3
Oh boy, things just got harder for him now! Great page!
Sticky situation! Haha, thanks!
well after like 45 mins of letting my computer trolling my life i finally was able to make an account and well………….it was worth it. (troll face)
Nice! Welcome aboard! 😀
Da thank you
nice job bro your screwed……
Oh… my god! XD I hope he has a plan!
She’s Catching On…Oh my XD Screwed INDEED.
BTW, This is ShockeyChu179 from DeviantArt 😀